La nuova capsule colletion di Patrizia Pepe s'ispira dalle vibrazioni della giungla metropolitana con stampe animalier e seta preziosa, vengono mixate con dettagli sportivi e traforati tecnici, che rievocano le atmosfere dei campi di basket americani.
Abbiamo una linnea in bilico tra lo Street style e il glamour sofisticato, con tank top, abiti e shorts, che si abbinano liberamente con i capi della collezione ready-to-wear by Patrizia Pepe; carattterizzata da total look colorati ed accativanti.
Protagoniste di questa collezione sono la fotografa Nima Benati, la DJ Emma Stocholma, Andrea Delogu, Elena Bonamigo, la skater Giorgia Crivello.
Grazie ad un selfie-video, le player's Patrizia Pepe ,si sfidano a colpi di glamour, in un match ad elevato contenuto fashion.
Anche voi , che amate Patrizia Pepe, siete invitate a giocare la vostra partita e filmarla, creando un shortvideo, che verrà giudicato per la vostra abilità sul campo.
I video piu' belli verrano pubblicati sulla pagina Instagram di Patrizia Pepe.
Quindi , pronte si parte, il match può incominciare. Let's go to player!!!
The new capsule colletion Patrizia Pepe is inspired by the vibrations of the urban jungle with animal prints and precious silk , are mixed with sporty details and pierced technicians, evoking the atmosphere of the basketball courts Americans.
We have a linnea in the balance between street style and sophisticated glamor , with tank tops, dresses and shorts, which combine freely with the leaders of the ready- to-wear collection by Patrizia Pepe ; carattterizzata from total look colorful and ATTRACTIVE .
The protagonists in this collection are the photographer Nima Benati , DJ Emma Stocholma , Andrea Delogu , Elena Bonamigo , the skater Giorgia Crivello .
Thanks to a selfie -video , the player 's Patrizia Pepe, will compete in glamor shots in a match with a high fashion content .
Even you, who love Patrizia Pepe, you are invited to play your game and film it , creating a shortvideo , which will be judged on your ability on the field.
The videos most 'beautiful we will publish on Instagram page of Patrizia Pepe.
So , you ready hand, the match can begin. Let 's go to player !
We have a linnea in the balance between street style and sophisticated glamor , with tank tops, dresses and shorts, which combine freely with the leaders of the ready- to-wear collection by Patrizia Pepe ; carattterizzata from total look colorful and ATTRACTIVE .
The protagonists in this collection are the photographer Nima Benati , DJ Emma Stocholma , Andrea Delogu , Elena Bonamigo , the skater Giorgia Crivello .
Thanks to a selfie -video , the player 's Patrizia Pepe, will compete in glamor shots in a match with a high fashion content .
Even you, who love Patrizia Pepe, you are invited to play your game and film it , creating a shortvideo , which will be judged on your ability on the field.
The videos most 'beautiful we will publish on Instagram page of Patrizia Pepe.
So , you ready hand, the match can begin. Let 's go to player !